Made with organic cotton
299.00 KR
149.50 KR
Velg størrelse
Beautiful beachbody without sleeves and with short legs. Sweet and feminine ruffles on the straps and made with the most beautiful floral print. Perfect for the really warm weather as the quality is light and airy to wear. Wonderful soft and airy cotton poplin quality. Wide fit. The fabric does not stretch (GOTS Organic Certified by Ecocert Greenlife Lic. No. 152033). The product is GOTS Organic certified which means, that the cotton is certified organic. Also the strictest concern for the environment has been taken in all the other processes, like dying, knitting and sewing. GOTS also takes into consideration the work conditions for the workers. Organic cotton 100%
Produktnummer: 1583041600
100% Organic Cotton
Levering og retur
Servicepunkt (Bring)
59.00 KR
Bestill innen 13 timer for å motta pakken den 20. des. 2024
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